Исправлено Проблемка с овходом в целом

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19 Дек 2020
Пытаюсь зайти на сервер, включил отладку, и вот лог, из за чего не понял почему войти не могу в игру (лог ниже скопирован)
Try find JVM
C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_45\bin\server\jvm.dll
DLL Path:
Try start guard
GravitGuard license: name Kenny projectName VictoryCraft
If the project name does not match - the project administrator uses an unlicensed copy of this protection.
Call initGuard
Launcher Agent
JVM created OK
2023.09.05 12:00:47 [DEBUG] Verifying class loader
2023.09.05 12:00:47 [DEBUG] Verifying JVM architecture
2023.09.05 12:00:47 [DEBUG] Testing stacktrace
GravitLauncher (fork sashok724's Launcher) Client Launcher v4.5.0-1 stable
2023.09.05 12:00:48 [INFO] Setting up script engine bindings
2023.09.05 12:00:48 [DEBUG] Loading script: 'jar:file:/C:/Users/dimat/Desktop/VictoryCraft.exe!/runtime/engine/api.js'
2023.09.05 12:00:48 [DEBUG] Loading script: 'jar:file:/C:/Users/dimat/Desktop/VictoryCraft.exe!/runtime/config.js'
2023.09.05 12:00:48 [DEBUG] Reading ClientLauncher params
2023.09.05 12:00:49 [INFO] 25.45-b02
2023.09.05 12:00:49 [DEBUG] Verifying ClientLauncher sign and classpath
2023.09.05 12:00:49 [DEBUG] Launcher Agent addJVMClassPath
2023.09.05 12:00:49 [DEBUG] Launcher Agent addJVMClassPath
2023.09.05 12:00:49 [DEBUG] Launcher Agent addJVMClassPath
2023.09.05 12:00:49 [DEBUG] Launcher Agent addJVMClassPath
2023.09.05 12:00:49 [DEBUG] Launcher Agent addJVMClassPath
2023.09.05 12:00:49 [DEBUG] Launcher Agent addJVMClassPath
2023.09.05 12:00:49 [DEBUG] Launcher Agent addJVMClassPath
2023.09.05 12:00:49 [DEBUG] Launcher Agent addJVMClassPath
2023.09.05 12:00:49 [DEBUG] Launcher Agent addJVMClassPath
2023.09.05 12:00:49 [DEBUG] Launcher Agent addJVMClassPath
2023.09.05 12:00:49 [DEBUG] Launcher Agent addJVMClassPath
2023.09.05 12:00:49 [DEBUG] Launcher Agent addJVMClassPath
2023.09.05 12:00:49 [DEBUG] Launcher Agent addJVMClassPath
2023.09.05 12:00:49 [DEBUG] Launcher Agent addJVMClassPath
2023.09.05 12:00:49 [DEBUG] Launcher Agent addJVMClassPath
2023.09.05 12:00:49 [DEBUG] Launcher Agent addJVMClassPath
2023.09.05 12:00:49 [DEBUG] Launcher Agent addJVMClassPath
2023.09.05 12:00:49 [DEBUG] Launcher Agent addJVMClassPath
2023.09.05 12:00:49 [DEBUG] Launcher Agent addJVMClassPath
2023.09.05 12:00:49 [DEBUG] Launcher Agent addJVMClassPath
2023.09.05 12:00:49 [DEBUG] Launcher Agent addJVMClassPath
2023.09.05 12:00:49 [DEBUG] Launcher Agent addJVMClassPath
2023.09.05 12:00:49 [DEBUG] Launcher Agent addJVMClassPath
2023.09.05 12:00:49 [DEBUG] Launcher Agent addJVMClassPath
2023.09.05 12:00:49 [DEBUG] Launcher Agent addJVMClassPath
2023.09.05 12:00:49 [DEBUG] Launcher Agent addJVMClassPath
2023.09.05 12:00:49 [DEBUG] Launcher Agent addJVMClassPath
2023.09.05 12:00:49 [DEBUG] Launcher Agent addJVMClassPath
2023.09.05 12:00:49 [DEBUG] Launcher Agent addJVMClassPath
2023.09.05 12:00:49 [DEBUG] Launcher Agent addJVMClassPath
2023.09.05 12:00:49 [DEBUG] Launcher Agent addJVMClassPath
2023.09.05 12:00:49 [DEBUG] Launcher Agent addJVMClassPath
2023.09.05 12:00:49 [DEBUG] Launcher Agent addJVMClassPath
2023.09.05 12:00:49 [DEBUG] Launcher Agent addJVMClassPath
2023.09.05 12:00:49 [DEBUG] Launcher Agent addJVMClassPath
2023.09.05 12:00:49 [DEBUG] Launcher Agent addJVMClassPath
2023.09.05 12:00:49 [DEBUG] Launcher Agent addJVMClassPath
2023.09.05 12:00:49 [DEBUG] Launcher Agent addJVMClassPath
2023.09.05 12:00:49 [DEBUG] Launcher Agent addJVMClassPath
2023.09.05 12:00:49 [DEBUG] Launcher Agent addJVMClassPath
2023.09.05 12:00:49 [DEBUG] Launcher Agent addJVMClassPath
2023.09.05 12:00:49 [DEBUG] Launcher Agent addJVMClassPath
2023.09.05 12:00:49 [DEBUG] Launcher Agent addJVMClassPath
2023.09.05 12:00:49 [DEBUG] Launcher Agent addJVMClassPath
2023.09.05 12:00:49 [DEBUG] Launcher Agent addJVMClassPath
2023.09.05 12:00:49 [DEBUG] Launcher Agent addJVMClassPath
2023.09.05 12:00:49 [DEBUG] Launcher Agent addJVMClassPath
2023.09.05 12:00:49 [DEBUG] Launcher Agent addJVMClassPath
2023.09.05 12:00:49 [DEBUG] Launcher Agent addJVMClassPath
2023.09.05 12:00:49 [DEBUG] Launcher Agent addJVMClassPath
2023.09.05 12:00:49 [DEBUG] Launcher Agent addJVMClassPath
2023.09.05 12:00:49 [DEBUG] Launcher Agent addJVMClassPath
2023.09.05 12:00:49 [DEBUG] Starting JVM and client WatchService
2023.09.05 12:00:49 [INFO] DirWatcher E:\Game\asset1.12.2
2023.09.05 12:00:49 [INFO] DirWatcher E:\Game\MagicTech
2023.09.05 12:00:49 [DEBUG] WatchService start processing
2023.09.05 12:00:49 [DEBUG] WatchService start processing
2023.09.05 12:00:49 [DEBUG] WatchService closed 2
2023.09.05 12:00:49 [DEBUG] WatchService closed 2
java.lang.SecurityException: Forbidden modification: 'asset1.12.2'
at ru.gravit.launcher.vIcTORycRAFtGG.vIctOrycRAftA5(Unknown Source)
at ru.gravit.launcher.vIcTORycRAFtGG.main(Unknown Source)
JVM stopped
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Using incremental CMS is deprecated and will likely be removed in a future release
Exception in thread "main"
Exit code 0


Команда форума
29 Янв 2022
( проблема решалась в лс в дискорде )
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